With Andhadhun crossing the Rs 300 crore mark at the box-office in China, we put on our thinking caps and jotted down 5 Bollywood films that have done broken the box-office there. China has become a big market for Bollywood films and almost every big film that hits the theatres in India is released there to gain more profits as the country has proved to be quite beneficial for the makers. Be it Salman Khan’s Bajrangi Bhaijaan, Aamir Khan’s Dangal or Ayushmann Khurrana’s Andhadhun, all these films have impressed the audience in China to the extent that they have made some big bucks at the cash counters there. Here’s a list of the top five films that pulled the audience to the theatres in huge numbers in China.
Box-office collection in China – Rs 1400 crore approx
Director - Nitesh Tiwari
Based on a true story, Aamir Khan portrays the role of Mahavir Singh Phogat who fulfills his dream of winning a gold medal for his country through his daughters. Aamir played a former wrestler in the film who trains his daughters to grow up to become strong wrestlers. Fatima Sana Shaikh and Sanya Malhotra essayed the role of his daughters and gained a lot of love post the film’s release as their performances were spectacular. Not just in India, the film did extremely well globally. And in China it has become the highest earning Bollywood film of all time.
Secret Superstar
Box-office collection in China – Rs 831.47 crore
Director - Advait Chandan
Secret Superstar was made on a low budget and the film went on to become one of the biggest hits of 2017. Though the film did well in the Indian market, it surpassed some big names at the box-office in China. The film starred Aamir Khan, Zahira Wasim and Meher Vij in crucial parts. A story about an ambitious young girl, Insia, who wants to become a singer struck a chord with millions of people. The young girl faces opposition from her father but undeterred, she strives to follow her passion by anonymously posting her songs on the Internet. Well, this one was definitely a surprise hit and came as a breath of fresh air.
Box-office collection in China – Rs 303 crore and counting
Director - Sriram Raghavan
Ayushmann Khurrana, Radhika Apte and Tabu nailed their respective parts in the film. Andhadhun, a thriller, kept the audience engrossed till the last minute. The story about Akash, a piano player pretending to be visually-impaired finds himself amidst a chaotic situation after he witnesses a murder. The story, as well as the power-packed performances, are the highlights of this hit.
Bajrangi Bhaijaan
Box-office collection in China – Rs 295.76 crore
Director - Kabir Khan
This Salman Khan starrer had an extremely emotional and endearing plot. A young mute girl finds herself lost in India after she misses her train after which a young spirited man took the task of taking her back to Pakistan on himself. The film definitely did great in India but it went on to break big records at the box-office in China.
Hindi Medium
Box-office collection in China – Rs 219.17 crore
Director - Saket Chaudhary
Starring Irrfan Khan and Saba Qamar, this film had an unusual story that stayed with the audience long after they exited the cinema halls. The story centres around Raj and Mita Batra who are ready to go to any lengths after they learn that their background is holding their daughter back from getting admitted into a posh school. The film was an out and out entertainer with a message and that truly was its USP.
More on: China box office, Andhadhun, Bajrangi Bhaijaan, Dangal, Secret Superstar, Hindi MediumncG1vNJzZmivp6x7p7XLpp2aqpVjsLC5jp%2Bcmqylp7K0e5RmmaiknK7EsLvDZp2ipJ2oerW0wK1knKqVlsGmsIyroKisXZbBbsDHnmSbp6hivKeyyJycZqGeYrCptc2aZGxrZWZ%2Bb7TTpqN4mpuowaiYwK6lnKCVp5%2BmsMirnJysbWY%3D