On 2-7-1976 Erin Burnett (nickname: Erin) was born in Mardela Springs, Maryland, United States. She made her 12 million dollar fortune with City of Money & Mystery, India Rising: The New Empire, Big Money in the Middle East . The journalist (f) is married to David Rubulotta, her starsign is Cancer and she is now 47 years of age.
Erin Burnett Facts & Wiki
Where does Erin Burnett live? And how much money does Erin Burnett earn?
Birth Date | 2-7-1976 |
Heritage/origin | American |
Ethnicity | White |
Religion - believes in God? | Roman Catholic |
Residence | She owns a house in Mardela Springs, Maryland, United States. |
Erin Burnett Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses
Erin Burnett: Husband, Dating, Family & Friends
Who is Erin Burnett dating in 2024?
Relationship status | Married (Since 2012) |
Sexuality | Straight |
Current Husband of Erin Burnett | David Rubulotta |
Ex-boyfriends or ex-husbands | |
Expecting a baby? | She is not pregnant |
Has any kids? | Yes, mother of: Nyle Thomas |
Will the marriage of American journalist (f) Erin Burnett and current Husband, David Rubulotta survive 2024?
Names of father, mother, kids, brothers & sisters:
Kenneth King Burnett (Father) Esther Margaret Burnett (Mother) Colby Isabell (Daughter)- Nyle Thomas Burnett Rubulotta (Son)
Skin, Hair & Eye Color
This cool journalist (f) originating from Mardela Springs, Maryland, United States has a thin body & heartshaped face type.
Height, Weight, Body Measurements, Tattoos & Style
Official websites/fansites:
www.erinburnettauthor.coDoes Erin Burnett have official Social Media profiles?
Follow this page to stay up to date about the latest gossip and rumors (plastic surgery, scandals, new photos or videos and so on) of Erin Burnett!